Publishers know it. Authors know it. Readers know it.

More books are being published than ever before. More authors are finding their audience. Most important, readers have more choices than ever: of titles and how that content is delivered. It’s an exciting time to be a reader.

However with increasing overhead costs in editing, typesetting, formatting, printing, warehousing, and marketing large publishing houses can no longer take chances on new talent to evolve over several years to recoup their investment. These same costs and resulting small margins also bar many compelling backlists from seeing the light of day.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are endless vanity presses that spend nothing on quality control or little on marketing their product. Neither approach puts the reader first.

We know readers like good books regardless of whether it is from a new author they have yet to discover or a classic they may have missed. We understand that a good book is about the author-reader connection which is why our singular focus is to publish good books. We do so by working with authors in ways that large publishing houses no longer will and vanity presses never will. The reader of a Forty Press book will never be disappointed.

That’s why we say, with confidence: It’s no mystery why we’re good.